There are around 40 corona viruses.

Previous corona viruses bind calcium (ACE-1)

never seen before

novel corona virus binds to vitamin D (ACE-2)


    Of recent origin or introduction; not old or established; new.
    Previously unknown; new and striking; unusual; strange: as, a novel contrivance; a novel feature of the entertainment.

Never seen before, a corona virus attaching to ACE-2.

What is ACE

ACE - Angiotensin Converting Enzyme

  • Angio - Angi-, vascular system, blood or lymph vessels
  • tensin - a way of constricting, tighening, tension
  • Converting - to change, transform
  • Enzyme - catalyst, energizes an activity

A way of stimulating the body to tighen up, adrenalin-like fast response for fight or flight, noted in sports.

What is ACE-1

The stumulation enzyme that targets the calcium based receptor on the cell surface. 

Good for a quick spurt of energy when running or playing sports but becomes a problem when ACE-1 is over stimulated for long periods of time.

Of the 40 or so corona viruses that cause a common cold or flu they attach to ACE-1 cell receptors and hang on for days to make us tensive, tight, body ache, congested sinuses, constricted fluid flow, we can feel terrible for days until the corona virus finally is displaced as we cough, sneeze, attack and kill the germs through immune function.

Through our life we have repeated virus asults, each with an increase in soft tissue micro calcifications, and get stiff, age related tension. With ageing we are often prescribed drugs for hyper-tension / high blood pressure.

There are many ways to combat hyper-tension but one common way is to inhibit the ACE-1 system of stimulation. Generally called ACE inhibitors or calcium channel blockers when ACE-1 or calcium is being manipulated by drugs.

Particles of calcium are easily deposited to leave spots in the lungs, arterial plaque and even calcifications in cysts anywhere in the body. When in the joints it is medically called, "milk alkali syndrome", arthritis, kidney failure.
Milk Alkali Syndrome on our old web site

What is ACE-2

The stimulation enzyme that taret the vitamin D based receptor on the cell surface.

This cell receptor site is oily, more sticky, and based on Vitamin D. Here the virus builds a stronger bond due to the oil nature of vitamin D. The oil property also blocks oxygen transport. Cell stimulation is amplified when the cell is under duress by lack of oxygen. The whole lung becomes under duress due to lack of oxygen.

The novel corona virus is new in that it binds to the oily vitamin D receptor of the cell.

The oily property of vitamin D hyper clumps calcium to give acute severe respiratory syndrome (ARDS) more often with the novel corona virus disease, Covid-19, than previous colds and flu from corona viruses.