Platelet and red blood cell problems are often associated with bacteria.
Here are some examples of chronic bacterial issues.


  • Group B streptococcus (GBS)
  • Escherichia coli
  • Pseudomonas rettgeri
  • Serratia marcescens

Red Blood Cells

  • Staphylococcus epidermidis
  • Serratia liquefaciens

Short bacterial descriptions:

Note: this is not intended to be a diagnosis. Biology is diverse and not always specific. A general discussion. Without pregudice.

Group B streptococcus (GBS) [S.agalactiae] lives inside our body, mostly the rectum and vagina, can flare up with things like pregnancy, stress, travel. Group B Strep can often infects newborn babies, blood, lungs and skin.

Group A streptococcus (GAS) [S.pyogenes] lives on the surface of our body, mostly the skin and throat, can flare up to cause sore throat or a 'strep throat'.

Escherichia coli, E.coli, live in the gut <enterobacterium> [enteric - intestines], everyone has them, can live with or without oxygen <faculative anerobic>, a large group with variations, needed for digestion and byproducts, but can cause disease when they escape the intestines, they need the the comfort of a warm body, fecal-oral transmission, high in fertilized soils and so contaminates a lot of salad components such as tomatoes, lettuce, sprouts, a common food poisoning bacteria. Killed with cooking and vinegar exposure. Killed by drinking white wine while eating salad, chicken, sushi.

Pseudomonas rettgen, Ps - Pseudomonas, a very motile bacteria, very tough to kill, regularly acquired in hospitals (nosocomical infections), live in and outside of the body, soil, water, plants, infect any part of the body, once established can live in pure bleach, pure iodine, like to feed on myelin sheaths (memory structures), can cause very low blood pressure and lead to failure of the heart, kidneys and liver, infects eyes, aars, skin, throat, lungs and blood, no limits. Hospitalized people are at a higher risk, ventilators during surgery, catheters, surgical wounds, burns, foreign bodies, titanium, mesh, pacemakers, dental implants, needles, IV lines, chemotherapy. Mild but progressive disease with or without periods of remission such as seen in MS - multiple sclerosis and ALS - Amylitic Lateral Sclerosis. Note: this is not intended to be a diagnosis. Biology is diverse and not always specific. A general discussion. Ps bacteria can be more difficult to kill because they establish a strong protective layer called a biofilm. Combining a therapy with a biofilm disruptor can improve the outcome. Few safe drugs treat Pseudomonas.

Biofilm therapy is a growing part of biology and some agents are aspirin, lemon juice (citric acid), digestive fluids of the pancreas, saliva, stomach acids, vinegar, salt, pepper, garlic, onion, chili, bay leaves, and many many traditional ways of cooking foods at home.

Serratia marcescens, genus Serratia, family Enterobacteriaceae, [entero - intestinal], with cousins the S.marcescens, S.liquefaciens, S.odorifera, are the most common human pathogen [path - disease, gen - generate], originally thought to be a non-disease germ, catheters and intubated patients for general anesthesia are high risk for bladder and lung infections that spread to or start from IV catheters into the blood [bacteremia] post-operative. Can affect some contact lens wearers after time. Scopes and tubal feeding, soap dispensers and even tap water have been noted. Most people only have these germs in the GI tract, throat and nose. Hand-to-hand by hospital staff is the most common route of transmission. Rare to cause the first signs of infection, they tend to follow invasive procedures. Once colonized they form a significant biofilm for protection. During the last 40 years S.marcescens has emerged as a serious healthcare-associated pathogen during hospitalization. Link to

Staphylococcus epidermidis, S.epidermidis, Staph, [epidermis means outer layer or skin], a tough bug that can live outside the GI tract easily, Staph bacteria grow in clusters such as a cyst, pimple, pustule, lump. Iodine from our thyroid is key in our immune function to keep the germ from getting inside. Iodized table salt helps in this regard. Staph.aureus [aureus means golden yellow] can solidify blood <coagulation positive>, Staph.epidermidis cannot and is diferentiated by being coag-negative, not able to coagulate blood. Hence S.epidermidis can continue to circulate in the blood and harm red blood cells only partially whereas S.aureus would cause a life threatening disease.

Serratia liquefaciens, related to S.marcescens above, less of a problem, lives with or without oxygen, common in the root hairs of plants, soil, water, not a normal component of fecal flora. Helps a plant have anti-fungal properties common to the soil. Note: plants are not oxygen breathers, they are aneobic like S.liquefaciens and work together (symbiotic). Associated with severe hospital aquired infections. Likes to ferment sugars and lysine which is high in whey protein powder (skim milk products). Fewer infections than cousin S.marcescens but common to catheters and respiratory instrumentation (anethesia proceedures).