How do we taste, feel, see, hear?


Nerves carry electricity and are insulated by normal body tissues.

Nerves are activated by sensory stimulation.

Nerves travel to the brain where the electrical signal is received.

Nerves placed end-to-end would go around the earth twice form one person.

Nerve activation by 1 of 3 atoms:

  • Sodium: also Natrium - Na
  • Potassium: - K
  • Calcium: - Ca

Sodium, potassium, caclium are all metals and hence conduce electricity.

The nerves send the signal by routing electrons (electricity) to the brain.

Two types of nerve cells:

  • Myelinated
  • Un Myelinated

Myelin sheaths store memory of past stimulations is stored.

Un melinated nerves do not store memory, example; genital nerves.

An amputated limb can give sensations of still being there from myelin on remaining nerves.

Myelin allows nerves to cross talk for expanded networking.

Nerves have a receptor to accept the nerve 'turning on' by Na, K, Ca.

Receptors of the atoms; Na, K, Ca are temporary.

Called Temporary Receptor Potential - TRP

TRPs are many and are of high immune function interest.