HDL cholesterol detoxes the body


Toxins are eliminated by both the bowels and kidneys.

  • Bowels handle material that has never been in the blood
  • Kidney's filter only what has been in the blood

There are two systems that link between both blood and bowels.

  • The thyroid
    • directly affects both systems, ingestion of food and blood stream contents.
  • The liver
    • buffers between the two
In my experience with dialysis
  • Increases water into the abdomen, nothing else, just more water inside the body.
    • bypasses the sodium gradient
  • Is completely fixed by enhancing thyroid function
Digestion and uptake into the blood
  • Digestion is complex and active with enzymes to break food down into smallness to be able to circulate in the blood.
  • Uptake of nutrients into the blood is very passive but selective in nature
The best description of absorption is that the intestines allow blood to mingle with nutrients
Some think there is some sort of pumping action but there is none.

I have seen surprising cases of kidney function restoring by focusing on
  • thyroid
  • diet
  • water uptake
I mention specifically in 'water uptake' because water like food is from casual mingling. The only pumping action is done by the kidney to remove contents while preserving moisture in the blood.
Water, like when we sweat, is not pumped.
We do not pump water into the blood and it is not pumped to the skin to cool our body temperature.
Water only follows where a salt concentration exists.

Salt is highly pumped in the body systems.
  • When we are sleeping or totally relaxed a full 20% of our energy use is to pump salt.
This is most noted at individual cells to pump salt out of the cell.
Two reasons
  • To maintain salt levels outside of cells such as the blood
  • To pump salt around to force water expansions.
The kidney function
Kidneys use the pressure of the blood to push thing through a filter out of the blood
High BP is most damaging to kidney filters (loops of Henle)
  •     Ascending limb of loop of Henle
Sodium (Na+), potassium (K+) and chloride (Cl−) ions are reabsorbed from the urine by secondary active transport by a Na-K-Cl cotransporter (NKCC2). The electrical and concentration gradient drives more re-absorption of Na+, as well as other cations such as magnesium (Mg2+) and calcium (Ca2+).
Notice that ion control is an active transporter pumping action here, not passive.

Creating a less dense blood plasma can help but we need to also reduce the concentrations entering on a daily basis from diet as well as increasing hydration which is only done when dietary sodium is sufficient.

Ions of the blood (metal minerals)
  • The ion that is not talked about is iodine, key to both thyroid and kidney functions.
  • The thyroid has 17 hormones that count in text books that control ions in blood.
  • The thyroid is the major control of calcium stores versus circulation levels in the body.
  • metals cannot dissolve in blood  plasma and so need transportation provided, like a taxi service.
All ions need to be supplemented to help the thyroid / kidney axis.
This would be called T.mins for short.
It is a product from the Salt lake in Utah, a high elevation salty lake that has very undetectable levels of heavy metals.
The salt lake is best known for harvesting minerals for agriculture, veterinarian and supplemental products. Somehow Western Medicine is less enthused.

The T.mins tend to balance out the blood / body levels as it is derived from sea water like nature which is a better match for our salty blood. The one thing that is removed from this natural product is all the sodium which we can get from iodized table salt. There is a high level of chloride in the T.mins but his is easily used up in the lungs as a gas that interchanges instantly with oxygen on the surface of red blood cells as they pick up oxygen. High levels of chloride protect the lungs and from low oxygen in the blood (asthma, hypoxia, apnea).

As we go I would like to monitor things with a weekly check of early day levels of pulse and temp, taken on two consecutive days each week, such as every Sat/Sun or Mon/Tue. These monitor thyroid as an indicator of kidney support.

The pathway from thyroid to kidney is fairly simple and I stand to learn more about it.
Something like this:
The thyroid is under control of the master gland the pituitary, signals at around 10:30 for the thyroid to release a small amount of lithium, a sister-balance with sodium, to calm the nerves, at the liver the T4 is calmed to release any one of the four iodine atoms, shared over to the kidney via a private micro circulatory channel to the kidney, the liver and kidney are very near neighbors, this gives the night time dose of protective iodine to the kidney, at the same time destabilizes the 6 day stability of T4 into the 8 hour more active T3, to keep the heart muscle stimulated while the brain nerves rest from stimulating the heart muscle, for 8 hours of restful sleep and 8 hours of restful kidney function.

Lithium keeps the brain in a restful state as prescribed are manic, hyper, angry and cannot sleep but can become depleted along with the other ions and particularly sodium which is lost when antidepressants are employed to lead to a high suidcide tendency. Fixing one problem while messing up the balance. I don't see good things happen when minerals become out of balance.

The pituitary re-awakens the kidney separately from the thyroid and liver at around 3:30 am in another mechanism which can trigger the need to urinate as a way of unloading the loops of henle. Then we go into a cortisol sleep which is made from HDL cholesterol as found in egg yolks.

Three types of molecules made from HDL cholesterol in egg yolks
  • Steroid hormones
    • progesterone and others
    • target sex glands
    • quickly builds and repairs tissues
    • peaks at 4pm and again at 4am
  • Mineralocorticoids (aldosterone),
    • target kidneys via ion mineral control to
      • increase sodium blood concentrations
        • to improve water hydration
      • reduce potassium blood levels
  • glucocorticoids (cortisol)
    • targets most tissues,
      • reduce blood sugar levels
      • anti-inflammatory,
      • reduce fat stores in adipose tissue
    • peaks from 4am to 8am
    • reduces heart attacks rates
      • most heart attacks occur between 4-8am
      • arrive in ambulances at hospital between 6-10am
      • The risk of low HDL cholesterol (eat egg yolks daily)

Eat egg yolks daily, no real limit.

Check your blood report of lipids to be sure HDL is high enough to be healthy.