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vaccines: meningitis c vaccine

1. add Dr Donegan
Meningitis C Vaccine--Jayne Donegan, MB
[Search domain]
Meningitis C Vaccine—A Look at the Disease & The New Jab----- Dr Jayne L M Donegan, MB, BS, DRCOG, DCH, MRCGP General Medical Practitioner (Practicing in South London)The Informed Parent. THE MENINGOCOCCUS. The meningococcus (otherwise known as Neisseria meningitidis) is a bacterium that lives up the nose and in the back of the throat of humans.It is spread by coughs and splutters, not by ...

2. Menningococcus Vaccine: Education: Philadelphia childrens hospital
see: a look at each vaccine: ?name [ somewaht promotional ]