Hard hit by Covid-19
- Brazil
- UK
- Italy
- Spain
- Belgium
- 2020 data
Soy protein in the world
- #1 soy producer: USA
- #2 soy producer: Brazil
- #3 soy importer: Europe
- 2008 data
Why not China?
- They eat soy
- But it has:
- zero lipid / oil
- zero estrogen
- zero isoflavons
- But it has:
soy sauce
- water based
- no fat, no lipids
- no estrogen
soy isoflavins
- Soy oil
- Soy milk
- Soy protein
- Soy salad oil
- Soy cooking oil
- Soy ketchup oil
- Soy mustard oil
- Soy baby food
- Soy pet food
- Soy meat
- Plant based protein
Total problem, Why?
- Looks like estrogen
- Works like a hormone
- messes up the pituitary gland
- men
- women
- children
Estrogen is a messenger
- pituitary gland control
- the master gland of hormones
- men and women
- fertility
- health
- gender identification
- loss of hormone control
- eating soy isoflavons
- long acting -- lipid / oil / fat
- hormone interferance
- immune dis-regulation
- auto-immune diseases
- loss of body communication
- same as taking steroids
- not healthy for anyone at any age
Google serach finds many things
- The truth, is hard to find
- The "Link:" goes to some truth
- Autism
- Link:
<Soy Infant Formula and Autism>
- Soy's phytic acid lowers minerals
- iron, iodine, zinc
- Soy's isoflavones disrupts hormones
- Soy's phytic acid lowers minerals
- Link:
- Weight gain
- Link:
<Soy Consumption and Obesity>
- Soy contains anti-nutrients
- phytic acid
- estrogen like isoflavones
- Link:
- Brain damage
- Inflammation
- Dementia
A tonic for what ails us:
- The truth
- Avoid soy
- phyto-estrogen
- phyto means plant
- Avoid soy
- plant protein gives ill-health
Fake science:
- Asians have low breast cancer
- Asians eat lots of soy sauce
- Therefor: Soy lowers breast cancer
- Forgotten: Soy sause has no oil or estrogen
- A brain on soy
- What about rice?
- What about pork?
- What about body weight?
- Asians don't eat ketchup.
- Asians have a different life style
- A brain on soy
- Soy does not lower breast cancer
- In fact of truth, soy increases cancer
We need:
- The truth
- Not the Internet full of lies.
- Paid-for top spot on Google searhes
- Google sells search results to the top bider
- Nothing to do with the truth
Plant-estrogen effects
- chronic hyper-estrogen
- breast tissue growths
- weight gain
- energy crashing
- gender confusion
- irregular blood sugars
- genetic disorders in DNA
- pituitary inhibition, thyroiditis
- changes in sexual development
- dis-regulation of menstrual cycle
- infertility
- men
- grow breasts
- soft muscles
- low sperm count
- loss of confidence
- testosterone conflicts
- women
- mood swings
- early puberty
- breast lumps
- ovarian cysts
- panic, anxiety
- difficult periods
- cervical growths
- reduced bone density
- irregular menstruation
- prolonged menopause
- men
- Brain damage
- autism
- dementia
- size shrinks, MRI proven
- obesity
- Thyroid disorder
- hormone imbalance
- Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
- TSH is made by the pituitary gland
- to regulate the thyroid activity
- Pituitary looses control
- TSH stops working correctly
- Iodine levels diminish
- thyroid dysfunction
- hyper-thyroidism
- hypo-thyroidism
- obesity
- weight gain
- weak immune system
- frustrated pituitary
- all hormones become affected
- pituitary is the master gland
- like the conductor of a symphony
- the music of health diminishes
- by eating soy products
Estrogen overload
- the bean family
- soy beans
- soy milk
- pinto beans
- garbanzo beans
- gluten free bread
- plant based protein
- processed food
Plants deter animals
from eating the bean
by producing estrogen
Isoflavones are the problem
Dirty little secrete in Western food
Soy lecithin
- 2 - 5% sterols [steroidal estrogen]
- GMO crops contain the highest
- added: modified, hydrolysed
- sick food
Other phyto-estrogens are not a problem
<pheno-> means 'seeming'
Four pheno-types of phytoestrogens
1. isoflavones, strong estrogen effect
- not healthy, avoid all
- defense against preditors
- plant toxins against animals
- soybeans
- alfalfa
- clover
- red clover
- fava beans
- garbonzo beans
- no isoflavone is healthy
- offending molecules
- <daidzein>
- <geneistein>
- no isoflavone is healthy
2. reservatrol, no estrogen effect
- healthy
- grapes
- great color
- used as a dye
- offending molecule
- <stilbene>
- not healthy
- peanuts, bad omega-6 oil
3. coumestan, no estrogen effect
- not healthy
- defense against preditors
- coumarin
- inhibits vitamin K
- weakens bones
- osteoporosis
- tonkin bean
4. lignan, no estrogen effect
- healthy