Apoptosis - from Ancient Greek ἀπόπτωσις, apóptōsis, "falling off"
- controlled cell death
- regulated by membranes
- like an expiry date
- in multicellular organisms
- not single cell life
- not bacteria
- not viruses
- not yeast
- not single cell life
- cellular loss of performance, such as:
- blebbing, abscess
- cell shrinkage
- red blood cells
- after 4 months on the job
- shrink in size
- end up collected by spleen
- based on size
- emptied into bowels
- dark color of feces
- nuclear fragmentation
- chromatin condensation
- chromosomal DNA fragmentation
- global [vague] mRNA decay
How is apoptosis triggered?
- The membrane keeps a particular amino acid inside
- When the cell is sick or unable to function properly
- The membrane transferes the amino acid to the outer surface
- This signals the big eater 'macrophage' to come and eat the cell
- apoptosis, "falling off" of life