Symptoms of fermenting foods
- gas
- burping
- bloating
- indigestion
- diverticulitis
- cystic fibrosis
- celiac disease
- Crohn's disease
- ulcerative colitis
- chronic diarrhea
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome - IBS
- inflammatory bowel disease - IBD
- Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth - SIBO
- others
Foods that ferment
- fruit
- berries
- brown rice
- whole grains
- sweet potato
- bleached grains
- ketone carbohydrates
Sugars that ferment
- table sugar - sucrose
- malt sugar - maltose
- isofructose - fine sugar
- fruit sugars - FOS
- flour sugars - inulin
- grain sugars - inulin
Sugars that do not ferment
- glucose
- starch
- potato
- white rice
Inulin is promoted as <soluble fiber>, pure nonsense
Starch is a sugar but cannot ferment, why?
- Glucose cannot ferment
- Starch is a chain of glucose
- Glycogen is a branched chain of glucose, stored in healthy cells
- Fermenting yeast and bacteria do not have the enzyme to break down glucose
- Glucose circulates in the blood
- The liver removes all blood fructose, resulting in fatty liver
When we eat too many fermenting sugars
- Healthy people have no fermenting sugar in their blood
- First the digestive system gets sick from sugar, many early symptoms above
- Then the liver gets sick, alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver syndrome are the same
- alcohol is made from fermenting sugars, drunk from sugar, addicted to sugar, same as alcoholic
- Liver saturates with fermenting sugar and overflows into the blood
- Blood ketones, fermenting sugars, dumped by healthy kidneys into the urine as ketone sugar
- Kidneys get sick, fail, we get really sick, end stage renal failure, may cause coma and death
Why are we told fruit and whole grains are healthy?
- Capital-HealthCare systems make money from sick people
- Healthy people do not need any Health Care, just enjoy life
- not a theory, just a conspiracy to maximize income, profit, a business model
without prejudice