With Vitamin B3, niacin
- Niacin
- flushing type
- cure genetic disease
- Niacinamide
- does not work
- non-flushing
- useless
Mitochondrial Myopathy
- Mitochondria [mi″to-kon´dre-ah] (pl.)
- small, celular, energy generators
- every cell has mitochondria (except red blood cells)
- small, celular, energy generators
- Myopathy [mi-op´ah-the]
- any disease of a muscle
- loss of energy
- weak muscles
- any disease of a muscle
Genetic disease of energy?
Gosh, is being tired a disease?
- old age
- chronic illness
- we recover from short term illness
- long term, "genetic"
- fix the mitochondria
- fix the genetic disease
- fix your energy
- Fix Your Body
- end of disease?
- end of genetic disease?
- end of old age?
Money to treat disease please
- patents make profit
- Niacin is not patentable
- Niacin is cheap
- but it must be the flushing type
All energy comes from mitochondrial
- Muscles are 'gas guzzlers' of energy
- Mitochondria make ATP
- ATP - adenosin tri-phosphate
- step by step from:
- ADP - adenosin di-phosphate
- AMP - adenosin mono-phosphate
- ATP - adenosin tri-phosphate
- Mitochondria make ATP
- one ATP molecule holds 6,000 calories of energy
- all energy of life comes from ATP
- energy production in the body is without pollution
What is energy made of?
energy is electrons
- or electrical energy
- same for our body,
- we need electricity
Disease of the mitochondria
- old age
- lethargic
- chronic fatigue
- weak, flabby muscles
Carbon Dioxide - CO2
- all energy production produces CO2
- even electric cars
- production of energy (electrons) must produce carbon dioxide (CO2)
- simple chemistry
- the atmosphere is 0.04% CO2
- CO2 is heavy
- sinks to earth
- consumed by plants
- plants grow better with CO2 in valleys
- mountain areas have less CO2
- less plant life
- less of all life forms
Disease of the lungs
- low levels of CO2
- life needs CO2
- people low in CO2 have
- asthma
- respiratory diseases
- difficulty catching their breath
- chronic low energy
- weak muscles
- blood tests can measure CO2
- low blood CO2 indicates oxygen problems
- people low in CO2 have
--- The niacin 'discovery' of simple chemistry archived
published 14 May, 2020 https://on.rt.com/ah1v
Simple vitamin treatment can ‘flip the switch’ on incurable genetic muscular disease, researchers say
Medical researchers are claiming a major breakthrough using simple vitamin treatments to delay the progression of a genetic muscular disease with no previously-known cure or therapeutic treatment.
An international team of scientists led by Professor Anu Suomalainen-Wartiovaara of the University of Helsinki has been working on the development of a treatment for mitochondrial myopathy for years but now, finally, they may have made significant progress. Their not-so-secret weapon? Vitamin B3, also known as niacin.
Mitochondria convert the food we eat into the energy we need to survive, so any disorders or mutations in their DNA can have significant, degenerative and often fatal consequences. Patients with mitochondrial myopathy can often experience cognitive impairment, dementia, nausea, fatigue and frequent strokes, as well as both hearing and significant weight loss.
Through years of studying rodents with mitochondrial myopathy, the researchers found that certain vitamins interact with NAD+ – a kind of molecular ‘switch’ which can change metabolism modes back and forth between fasting or growth modes.
By boosting NAD+ levels, researchers delayed disease progression in patients with mitochondrial myopathy, as well as improving patients’ strength and shifting their metabolism closer to normal operation, giving them more energy. The team hopes now to fine-tune this vitamin treatment to promote health and longevity in patients living with mitochondrial myopathy.
“Our results are a proof-of-principle that NAD+ deficiency exists in humans and that NAD+ boosters can delay progression of mitochondrial muscle disease,” Suomalainen-Wartiovaara said.
The study is a significant leap in the development of targeted therapy options for energy metabolic diseases.
She and her fellow researchers previously found that supplementation with nicotinamide riboside in food delayed mitochondrial myopathy progression in mice.
According to NHS data, somewhere in the region of one in 4,300 adults in the UK may have some form of mitochondrial disease, while US figures show that around 20,000 people there have it.